In this short article, we will walk you through the steps you can take to give someone administrator privileges within Smartlockr. At the end of the article, we will explain why this choice was made.
Step 1: Verify that the user has an active license. You can do this by looking (as an administrator) at and looking up the user.
Step 2: Send an email to requesting administrator privileges. We only need the email address of the user in question.
Step 3: Smartlockr will notify you that administrator privileges are active and will archive the ticket. You can notify the user that the access has been taken care off.
Because administrators can modify Smartlockr's content policies and view logs of all users, we chose to have Smartlockr grant administrator privileges. In this way, organizations keep track of who does and does not have administrator privileges.
In this quick guide, we have gone through the three short steps with you to grant someone administrator rights within Smartlockr.
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